COVID-19 Notice

COVID-19 Notice

Thanks for your trust and support to shop with us first! Hope Safe & keep healthy!

In COVID-19, Some changes below:

Customer service still available on workday, No worries.


US Stock and deliver the packages to the trucks of UPS & Fedex 24h.


3-15 Workdays Shipping for UPS & Fedex. Expedited 3-6 Workdays UPS & Fedex Shipping Available Now. Marked on Sep 17, 2020.


Our warehouse will deliver the packages to the trucks of FedEx, UPS, USPS .etc(CA & NJ, US) in 24h. And then, their trucks will go to the nearest office for scanning and sorting. It takes 1-5 workdays.


At present, The major logistics providers(UPS, Fedex, USPS .etc) in WHOLE USA had reduced many staffs to work because of COVID-19. Meanwhile, The number of parcels has increased sharply in CA & NJ, USA. So the nearest offices of logistics providers for our warehouses (CA & NJ, USA) take more time to scan and sort your packages.

It takes about 1-5 workdays for the nearest logistics provider offices to scan and sort the packages. The tracking information will be updated to the website after 1-2 days after scaning. 

  • If your tracking information stay "Shipment information sent to XXX" Or There is NO tracking information on the website of Fedex, UPS, USPS .etc EXCEPT a tracking No. , Our warehouse fulfill your order and send your package to the nearest logistics providers offices in 24h. That's to say, the logistics providers are trying their best to scan to sort and ship. It takes 4-5 days according to the data we got from the logistics providers because of the number of parcels increased sharply for the logistics providers. In this situation, the customer service of Fedex, UPS .etc will tell you that they DO NOT GET THE PACKAGE according to the status of scan. In fact, the logistics providers need time to scan and proceed to ship next. Thanks for your kindly understanding. Need help, please contact us.

  • If your  tracking information stop, That's to say, that local office of Fedex, UPS, USPS .etc  is trying their best to transfer due to events beyond control. Please give the logistics providers more 3-5 workdays. They are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible. And the tracking information will be updated to the website after 2-3 workdays after they solved. 

    We will pay attention on the status of logistics provider shipping in USA and choose the best and fastest one for your packages in this COVID-19 period.  Thanks for your kindly understanding first!

    NO WORRIES! If not get your package, please contact us here first and we will take care of your issue. Keep in touch with us in current US situation.